Pigão, Ferrão and Fioravante Attorneys at Law

Specialized  Legal Advice in Digital and Corporate Law

We offer excellence in legal services to national and international clients, from different segments, supporting them in managing their business.


With solid experience in legal matters, supported by strategy and motivated by challenge, the specialists of Pigão, Ferrão and Fioravante Attorneys at Law are skilled in providing legal advisory to clients in important areas of law.

The Office

Pigão, Ferrão and Fioravante Attorneys at Law provides specialized legal advice in Digital and Corporate Law.

It is our commitment to guarantee safe and innovative legal solutions, with agility and organization, all in favor of the results desired by the client.

With the proper structure, the client will be able to count on professionals trained to assist their needs and ready to carry out a detailed work.

Most admired in Digital Law

Most admired in the state of São Paulo

Most admired in the Economic Sectors category

Admirados por Região / Grande São Paulo

Admirados por Setor econômico / Bancos

Admirados por Especialidade / Propriedade Intelectual

Admirados por Setor econômico / Automotivo e Autopeças

Admirados por Setor econômico / Comércio

Admirados por Especialidade/
Contratos Empresariais

Direito Digital e Empresarial
Direito Digital e Empresarial
Direito Digital e Empresarial
Direito Digital e Empresarial
Direito Digital e Empresarial
mais admirado 2023/2024


Dynamic and always attentive, we are dedicated to following the evolution of Law in Digital Transformation to offer solid and reliable solutions to those who hire us.

We analyze business viability and offer legal advice to investors. We also promote digital education, through lectures and training.

“We understand that the resolution of a dispute and success in legal advice depend on the development of the appropriate strategy, which results not only from the expertise of the professionals involved, but also from the vast experience of the latter in specialized law.”


Pigão, Ferrão e Fioravante Attorneys at Law has a team of specialists who combine youth and experience in perfect harmony. Composed of experienced senior professionals and young talents, our team stands out for technical excellence, detail, agility, innovation, organization and performance.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Claudenir Pigão

Lawyer specialized in Business Law, the result of his performance as Director of the Legal Department of a large company in the industrial sector, in which he remained until 2004. In that year, he founded his own law firm, in São José do Rio Preto , State of São Paulo. At the cost of much effort and worthwhile results, the stall has become one of the most renowned in the northwest of São Paulo. Pigão is a member of the Mining Law Commission at Sao Paulo State Bar Association. He specializes in Corporate Law.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Rubia Ferrão

• Lawyer and Professor specializing in Digital Law and Personal Data Protection. 

• Founding Partner at Pigão, Ferrão e Fioravante Sociedade de Advogados. 

• PhD and Master’s degree in Civil Law from the University of São Paulo (USP). 

• Specialist in Constitutional Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). 

• Professor in Specialization courses in Cybersecurity and Intelligence, Digital Compliance, Data Protection, and Computer Forensics, as well as in the Professional MBA in Cybersecurity at Mackenzie University. 

• Professor in the Extension Course in Digital Compliance and Management of Personal Data Protection and Contractual Compliance at PUC-Campinas. 

• Professor in the undergraduate course in Cyber Defense Technology at IBPTECH College. 

• Professor in the Data Protection course at CERS/ASSESPRO. 

• Coordinator of the MBA in Digital Law Compliance and Data Protection – LGPD at the School of Law. 

• Member of the Faculty and Columnist at Neo Jus Portal. 

• Guest Professor at leading educational institutions in Brazil, including FGV, EPD, UNICID, ESTACIO, AASP, FMU, FIA, AASP, and FUTURE LAW. 

• Coordinator of the Data Protection Coordination Office at OAB/SP (2018). 

• Active Member of the Privacy and Data Protection and Compliance Committees at OAB/SP. 

• Recognized as the most admired lawyer by the prestigious Revista Análise Advocacia 500 in 2017 and from 2019 to 2022, in categories such as “Specialized in Digital Law,” “Specialized in the State of São Paulo,” “Economic Sector/Banks,” “Financial and Commercial Sector,” and from 2021 to 2024, in the Análise Advocacia Mulher Ranking, in categories such as “Digital Law,” “Intellectual Property,” “Automotive and Auto Parts,” “Banks,” “Commercial Sector,” “Construction and Engineering,” and “State of São Paulo.”

Key Publications: 

• ARAÚJO, Rubia Maria Ferrão de. Exculpatory Clauses in the Context of Personal Data Protection. São Paulo: USP/Faculty of Law, 2022. 

• FERRÃO, Rubia. Application Providers and Copyrights. Themis Legal Journal, Volume 04, Number 06, January-June 2023. 

• FERRÃO, Rubia. Relevant Legal Aspects of Personal Data Protection of Children and Adolescents under LGPD. In: CABEZÓN, Ricardo de Moraes (Ed.). Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights: Studies beyond the ECA. Leme-SP: Mizuno, 2023. P. 353/374. 

• FERRÃO, Rubia. Five Sensitive Points in the Use of Bitcoins for Criminal Practices. Conjur, 2018. Available at: https://www.conjur.com.br/2018-apr-04/rubia-ferrao-cinco-pontos-sensiveis-uso-bitcoins-crimes. Accessed on: March 23, 2023. 

• FERRÃO, Rubia; KHAYAT, Gabriel; QUINELATO, Pietra. The Validity and Enforcement of Electronic Business Contracts. In: CALAZA, Tales; TAVARES, Viviane Ramone. (Eds.). Civil Procedure 4.0. 1st ed. Uberlândia: LAECC, 2021, v. 1, p. 125-146. 

• ________. The Burden of Proof in the General Data Protection Law. In: CALAZA, Tales; TAVARES, Viviane Ramone (Eds.). Civil Procedure 5.0. 1st ed. Uberlândia: LAECC, 2022.

Founder of the social project on Digital Education @Mocidadi – Movement for Digital Citizenship.

Complete CV available on the Lattes Platform: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6919075258032289

social media: https://linktr.ee/rubiaferrao

Bruno Gagliasso depõe contra autora de vídeo racista - Vídeos - Café com Jornal - Band.com.br

A mulher é brasileira, tem 28 anos e mora no Canadá. Outra criança vítima de suas ofensas é a filha do empresário Roberto Justus, Rafaella.

Entrevistas Dra. Rubia Ferrão

Marco Civil da Internet – All TV – Programa Soberania Nacional 

Uso das Redes Sociais para disseminação de ódio – Café com Jornal – https://www.facebook.com/cafecomjornal/videos/vb.751183228245876/1613216735375850/?type=2&theater

Vazamento das fotos íntimas de artista – Café com Jornal -

Prisão de executivo do Facebook – Band – http://noticias.band.uol.com.br/jornaldorio/videos/quadros/divirta-se-nico-rezende-se-apresenta-na-sala-baden-powell-neste-domingo/15785310/advogada-comenta-prisao-de-executivo-do-facebook.html

Monitoramento de alunos pelas escolas – Jornal Hoje – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkfVYikitU0

Crimes virtuais: veja como agir caso seja vítima da internet – Hoje em Dia – http://entretenimento.r7.com/hoje-em-dia/videos/crimes-virtuais-veja-como-agir-caso-seja-vitima-da-internet-na-integra-do-hoje-em-dia-16102015

Hábitos dos internautas – JC Debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvtMtbHMMN4#action=share

Vazamento de fotos íntimas de artista – Jornal da Band – http://noticias.band.uol.com.br/jornaldaband/videos/2015/10/01/15630178-imagens-intimas-na-internet-podem-causar-danos-permanentes.html

Ofensas na Internet – Jornal da Cultura – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK9h95CS898

Vítimas da internet: saiba como agir em caso de bullying virtual – HOJE EM DIA – Record – http://entretenimento.r7.com/hoje-em-dia/videos/vitimas-da-internet-saiba-como-agir-em-caso-de-bullying-virtual/idmedia/52fb78710cf24212acd9b8b0.html

Herança digital ajuda famílias a preservar memória – JORNAL DA GAZETA – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR9VEn7qZf0

Marco Civil da Internet – Revista da Cidade – TV Gazeta – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb7tU5xU2Uc&feature=youtu.be

Golpistas vendem ingressos falsos da Copa – Jornal da Band –

Radio Trianon – AM 740
Programa Observatório do Terceiro Setor
Entrevista sobre o Marco Civil

Marco Civil
Programa Observatório do Terceiro Setor
JORNALISTA JOEL SCALA – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwn0tJTFaM8

A Influência das Redes Sociais no nosso cotidiano – TV GAZETA – REVISTA DA CIDADE

Importância de guarda de comprovantes de pagamento – JORNAL DA CULTURA

Geração Y e o Direito Digital – Jornal ESPM no ar – Bloco 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoNYOI-gFmA 
Bloco 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvP0VD-2Yv4 
Bloco 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKC4AO5hsGk

Chantagem Virtual – Café com Jornal – TV BAND – http://noticias.band.uol.com.br/cafe-com-jornal/sp/video/16040020/top5-confira-as-principais-noticias-do-dia-pelo-mundo.html

Casal se preocupa ao receber produtos que nunca comprou – SBT

Apenas 35% vítimas prestam queixa contra agressores – Café com Jornal -

Passageiro e Motorista do Uber são agredidos por taxistas – Café com Jornal e Bandnews -

Jornal Nacional – Justiça considera abusivo o compartilhamento de dados pessoais -

Falando sobre Direito Digital para o Pode Contar – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP4g1ihyShM – https://www.facebook.com/VALIDcertificadoradigital/videos/vb.190320721046274/1446298015436865/?type=2&theater

Falando sobre provas nas investigações ao Jornal da Cultura – Confira a matéria na íntegra em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ci8NMxfds (a partir dos 44 minutos)
“buildcoin” – criptomoeda que será utilizada pelo Governo de São Paulo para financiar um projeto de iluminação pública em alguns municípios. Parte dos salários de alguns dos profissionais será paga com este ativo.
Bom Dia Brasil:

Entrevista sobre Golpes na Internet ao Jornal da Cultura. Confira a matéria completa em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIQCzL_u1Qo (A partir de 6:45)

Comentando os desafios do Direito Digital no Café com Jornal – https://www.facebook.com/cafecomjornal/videos/1745450822152440/

Comentando os principais assuntos do Direito Digital no Café com Jornal – https://www.facebook.com/cafecomjornal/videos/1745463542151168/

Retrospectiva sobre os principais fatos do Direito Digital ao Café com Jornal – https://www.facebook.com/cafecomjornal/videos/1745452385485617/

Falando ao Café com Jornal sobre os principais assuntos envolvendo o Direito Digital – https://www.facebook.com/cafecomjornal/videos/1745503445480511/

O Jornal da Cultura falou sobre os Projetos de Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais. Confira minha contribuição e a notícia na íntegra em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9VE9loUNoE (a partir de 29:06)

Entrevista sobre o caso envolvendo o Facebook e a Cambridge Analytica para o jornalista Herodoto Barbeiro, do Jornal da Record News, disponível https://noticias.r7.com/record-news/jornal-da-record-news/videos/especialista-explica-como-proteger-seus-dados-nas-redes-sociais-20032018

Matéria na íntegra disponível em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_gZhGoccE (A partir de 1:40)

“Crimes da Internet: como se proteger?” Matéria na íntegra em https://www.tvgazeta.com.br/videos/crimes-da-internet-como-se-proteger/

Jornal da Band – Moedas virtuais viram prato cheio para estelionatários – http://noticias.band.uol.com.br/jornaldaband/videos/ultimos-videos/16420726/moedas-virtuais-viram-prato-cheio-para-estelionatarios.html

Discutir a tão necessária proteção dos dados pessoais é sempre muito importante e foi sobre isso que falei ao Jornal da Cultura, em matéria voltada a alertar a população sobre os dados que são coletados na Internet, uso em campanhas eleitorais e riscos. Veja o conteúdo na íntegra em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vFaj9r-q6I&feature=youtu.be (a partir de 1:20)

Matéria sobre Proteção de Dados – Jornal da Cultura – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vFaj9r-q6I&feature=youtu.be

Impactos pessoais da exposição na web, privacidade, proteção de dados, fake news e liberdade de expressão -CBN http://m.cbn.globoradio.globo.com/media/audio/173389/redes-sociais-geram-debate-sobre-privacidade-e-uso.htm

“Crimes da Internet: como se proteger?” Matéria na íntegra em https://www.tvgazeta.com.br/videos/crimes-da-internet-como-se-proteger/

Jornal da Cultura – Entrevista sobre remoção de páginas pelo Facebook – disponível em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvrbIlQ1JRE&feature=share (matéria a partir de 16:43).

Scammer – Golpe do Amor – Alerta Receita Federal – BandNews – http://bandnewstv.band.uol.com.br/videos/16483531/receita-federal-emite-alerta-para-aumento-de-golpes-do-amor

Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios sobre a nova lei de proteção de dados pessoais. Disponível em: https://g1.globo.com/economia/pme/pequenas-empresas-grandes-negocios/noticia/2019/03/17/lei-de-protecao-de-dados-comeca-a-valer-em-2020.ghtml

TV BrasilGov Reconhecimento facial no metrô e em shoppings, sob a ótica da proteção de dados pessoais.
Para conferir a íntegra da notícia, acesse: http://tvbrasil.ebc.com.br/reporter-brasil/2019/07/metro-de-sp-planeja-instalar-sistema-de-reconhecimento-facial

Bom Dia Brasil – “stalking” (perseguição) acesse https://globoplay.globo.com/v/7847630/programa/

Adequação à LGPD: https://www.valor.com.br/legislacao/6397093/empresas-ainda-nao-se-adaptaram-lei-de-dados?fbclid=IwAR25GuBAnqOT-b0sgF0Z5dNlt1vymfjcxhxvq25zCQxBlfOad75iMpnOOdg



Direito Digital e Empresarial

Bruno Fioravante

Founder Partner of Pigão, Ferrão e Fioravante Law Firm.
Attorney Specializing in Business Law and Technology, with extensive experience in corporate advisory and litigation, serving national and international companies. Specialized in corporate structuring, corporate transactions, and other matters related to the business sector. Recognized for expertise in Startups and Innovation, holding a degree from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP). Passionate about artificial intelligence in business, leveraging technology for the benefit of clients. Business facilitator and attorney with expertise in corporate and electronic contracts, having successfully drafted, reviewed, and negotiated over 1500 contracts.

Academic Background:
• Postgraduate in Business Law – São Paulo School of Magistrates (EPM) • Postgraduate in Civil Procedure – Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) • Specialization in Startups from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP), as well as in Innovation and Technology companies

Professional Experience:
• Involved in the establishment and structuring of various startups, providing internal and external legal solutions • Advisory role in corporate transactions and judicial recovery for companies across diverse sectors • Active member of the Data Protection Coordination Office and the Digital Law, Compliance, and Technology Committees of OAB/SP (Current term) • Expertise in leveraging technology to find optimal legal solutions for small, medium, and large enterprises, integrating innovation and technology into their back office or portfolio to foster growth and ensure business security

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Larissa Pigão Fioravante

Partner at Pigão, Ferrão e Fioravante Sociedade de Advogados.

Lawyer with experience in the private sector, specializing in advisory and litigation in Digital Law and Compliance, particularly assisting companies in adapting to technological implementations and ensuring compliance with Personal Data Protection laws and other relevant business regulations.

• Currently pursuing a Master’s in Law (Legal Sciences) at Universidade Autònoma de Lisboa – UAL;

• L.L.M. – Master of Laws: Data Protection: LGPD and GDPR – Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon;

• Specialist in Digital Law and Compliance; and in Labor Law and Process from IBMEC IDD/SP;

• Certified International Privacy and Data Protection Essentials and Privacy and Data Protection Foundation by EXIN;

• Certificates in Personal Data Protection and Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001): Data Privacy Brazil, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), among others;

• Active member of the IAPP – International Association of Privacy Professionals (2020/2021 and 2021/2022);

• Reviewer for the Editorial Board of Pensamento Jurídico Journal (Stratum B1, Qualis Capes);

• Active member of the Digital Law and Compliance Committees; Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law; Anti-Piracy; and Data Protection Coordination Office of OAB/SP (2018).

Complete CV available on the Lattes Platform: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9547779133580497

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Marco Antonio Ferrão

Partner at Pigão, Ferrão e Fioravante Sociedade de Advogados.

Lawyer specialized in Civil Law and Business Law.

• Bachelor of Laws from Universidade São Francisco, 2004;

• Postgraduate degree in Civil Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011;

• Extensive experience in legal representation and consultancy in Civil Litigation, including Civil Liability, Banking Law, Consumer Law, Contracts, Family Law, Debt Collection, and Credit Recovery. Also works in Judicial Recovery, Corporate Restructuring, and Bankruptcies.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Matheus Pigão

  • Attorney practicing in civil, business, and tax litigation.
  • Graduated in Law from Universidade Paulista – UNIP in 2016.
  • Completed the Anti-Corruption Compliance extension course at Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV in 2017.
  • Completed the Business Contracts extension course at Escola Superior de Advocacia – ESA in 2014.
  • Holds diplomas from various legal courses focused on business and personnel management, including “Hiring of Workers” from FGV in 2016; “The New Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and Labor Law – One Year Later” in 2017; “The Brazilian Market and its Opportunities” by Luiz Almeida Marins Filho in 2015; “Central Aspects of the Theory of Crime” by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Lebre in 2015; “Labor Court Hearing” by Prof. Dr. Gerson Shiguemori in 2015.
  • Author of the monograph “Historical Evolution of Tax Offset in Brazil.”
  • Language: English

Procon orienta sobre falsas promoções divulgadas na Black Friday - G1 São José do Rio Preto/ Araçatuba - TEM Notícias 1ª Edição - Catálogo de Vídeos

Nesta sexta-feira (24), será realizada a Black Friday, a famosa promoção anunciada pelo comércio. No entanto, alguns estabelecimentos atraem aos clientes com falsas promoções que podem ser um golpe e os interessados devem se atentar a possíveis golpes.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Evelyn Crudeli da Silva

Lawyer practicing in Civil Law and Contract Law

  • Graduated in Law from Damásio de Jesus Law School.
  • Post-graduated in Corporate Law and Compliance from Escola Paulista de Direito. Languages: English
Direito Digital e Empresarial

Eli Silva

Lawyer with experience in advisory and litigation roles in Civil, Business, and Contract Law, graduated from Centro Universitário Metropolitano de São Paulo / FIG – UNIMESP in 1997.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Halissa Carvalho Giti

Lawyer with experience in litigation, specializing in Business and Digital Law, graduated in Law in 2016 from Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul – Paranaíba-MS.

Specialized in Criminal Law and Procedure at Universidade Cândido Mendes from 2020 to 2021; in Civil Procedure from 2019 to 2020 at Estácio/Cers; and in Labor Law and Procedure from 2018 to 2019 at Instituto Damásio de Direito.

• TEACHING PROJECT “SIMULATED JURY TRIAL” Participant | UEMS Paranaiba-MS | September/2016.

• EXTENSION EVENT “II SEMINAR ON GENDER AND SEXUAL DIVERSITY: meanings and significance” Participant | UEMS Paranaiba-MS | June/2016.

• SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL SYMPOSIUM “XI SCIENCULT: Media, consensus production, and the culture of violence.” Monitoring and Participation | UEMS Paranaiba-MS | November/2016.

• IX CONGRESS “ÍCONES DO DIREITO” IN CAMPO GRANDE Participant | Centro de Convenções Gil de Camilo, Campo Grande MS | March/2015.


• VIII CONGRESS “ÍCONES DO DIREITO” IN CAMPO GRANDE Participant | Centro de Convenções Gil de Camilo, Campo Grande MS | March/2014.


• II INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS MEETING “Sustainable Development and Human Rights: advances and setbacks” Participant | UEMS Paranaíba-MS | August/2012.

• Course “UNLOCKING IN ADVOCACY” – Online | January/2021.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Julia Rezende Cintra

Lawyer, graduated from Damásio de Jesus University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree. Registered with the Brazilian Bar Association, she has experience in advisory roles in Civil, Business, and Contract Law.

Completion of an 80-hour course in Conciliation and Mediation, conducted by the Brazilian Mediation and Arbitration Institute (IMAB) from August 12 to September 11, 2013.

• Completion of a 40-hour course in Arbitration, conducted by the Brazilian Mediation and Arbitration Institute (IMAB) from September 12 to 26, 2013.

• Postgraduate degree in Labor Law from Faculdade Legale in 2018.

• Postgraduate degree in Business Law from Faculdade Legale in 2020.

• Completion of the online course “Digital Law Course – Modules I, II, and III” taught by Rúbia Ferrão Productions, completed in 2021.

• Completion of the course “Applied Personal Data Protection,” offered by ITS RIO, completed in 2021.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Valentina Tamarozzi

Bachelor of Laws from Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Communicative, proactive, and committed to delivering work with maximum efficiency and quality. Dedicated to meeting deadlines.
• Volunteer Intern, Raniele Paschoa Law Office – Urupês/SP — 11/2020, 06/2021 Handling of ESaj and experience in drafting various legal documents (petitions and appeals) in civil law. Client interaction and deadline management. Preparation of organizational spreadsheets.
• Paid Intern, Luz & Tedrus Bento Law Office – Campinas/SP — 10/2021, present Engaged in various areas including Administrative, Civil, and Labor Law. Drafting of legal documents and specialized handling of protests. Familiarity with different court portals such as ESaj, PJE, and E-proc.
• Extracurricular Volunteer Work, Salvaguarda Project – Social Program for Education and Assistance to Public School Students — 2020 Essay reviewer and Enem model assistant. Teaching writing methods, socio-cultural repertoire, and grammar. Contributed to material development and topic selection. (70 hours)
• Voluntary Monitoring by Pontifical Catholic University
Constitutional Law II Monitor, supervised by Professor Henderson Furst and the Legal Practice Center of the Law School – Center for Applied Human and Social Sciences.
Human Rights II Monitor, supervised by Professor Luiz Renato Vedovato and the Legal Practice Center of the Law School – Center for Applied Human and Social Sciences.

Direito Digital e Empresarial

Giovanna Cavalcante

Financial Manager, playing a key role in this sector at PFFA Law Firm. I am responsible for contributing to the development and implementation of financial policies and procedures aimed at continuously improving performance. Additionally, I oversee invoice issuance, coordinate payments, and conduct company expense planning. My role includes providing informed insights and recommendations on financial feasibility, thereby contributing to strategic decision-making.







Proximity to the Client


Contact Us

Pigão, Ferrão and Fioravante Attorneys at Law

Address: Av. Paulista, n.º 1.159, conjunto 1413 e 1414
Phones: +55 (11) 2738-2008 – +55 (11) 2738-5008
Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP
ZIP Code: 01310-200

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